Hall Renovations 1 April - 1 July 2014

Since 1997 renovations to the hall have been on the cards.  Necessary repairs and maintenance were put on hold knowing that it would be a big, costly exercise if done properly. As the school grew, it became aparent that there was a need to extend the hall and parents were in agreement and motivated to get the project going.  Together the Grade 5 Fundraisers of 2012 and 2013 raised enough funds through their vigorous efforts to enable extensive additions and renovations to the hall.

Architect Keith Skinner designed something special that embodies the slogan of the Fundraisers - "Good for the heart".  Our new hall built by Kiggen Construction is truly the Heart of the school.

Since the memorable official opening by Mr Gyles Dorward, our Chairman of the Board, on 19 September 2014 we have had our daily assemblies, class plays, class presentations and displays.  Daily rest before prep and afternoon activities for the girls.   Visiting speakers, regional and local singers have performed,  the orchestra, marimba and choirs have played and sung.  Parents meetings, public exams, floral art displays.  Gymnastics and ballet are held in the hall from pre school to grade 7.  Each second November it will be elaborately decorated to a theme for the Grade 7 Leavers Dance and then at the end of each year it will be filled to the brim with parents and their daughters for Prize Giving and the Christmas Play and Carol Concert. 

The huge expanse of glass doors that open out along the side are a wonderful vantage point to view the Pavillion and field sports matches. 

The new amphitheatre is great for an outdoor lesson and for parents to wait in the shade for their daughters.