School Uniform Requirements

We have a new swimming costume. Have a look at our new design on Instagram here..


We are proud of our ‘Chisi J ' uniform and encourage your daughter to be neat and clean at all times.

Official Stockists

GLEN ABBEY in Arundel Shopping Centre
ENBEE STORES in Chisipite Shopping Center and Sam Levy's Village.
Click here for ENBEE ONLINE SHOP

Thrift Shop

Times:  School Term – 8:00am to 12:00pm. 
Run by the Sick Bay Sister.  Items for sale are second hand. 
Open the morning preceding the first day of term from 8:00am to 12:00pm.

Summer Uniform (Term 1 & 3)

Grade 1 - 7
Chisi J school dress
Short beige socks
Brown/black leather, polished school shoes – buckles/lace-ups. 
Bottle green floppy hat / peak with Chisi J emblem. 
Bottle green ribbon or scrunchy or alice band, if worn. 
Bottle green art apron

Winter Uniform (Term 2)       

Grade 1 & 2 Grades 3 – 7

Long sleeve Chisi J blouse - with bottle green pinafore
Bottle green trousers (optional) worn with short socks
Long beige socks
Brown/black leather, polished school shoes 
Bottle green pullover jersey with Chisi J emblem 
Bottle green floppy hat/peak with Chisi J emblem
Green ribbons if worn

Long sleeve Chisi J blouse
Bottle green pinafore
Long beige socks
Brown/black leather, polished school shoes
Bottle green pullover jersey with Chisi J emblem
Bottle green floppy hat/peak with Chisi J emblem


Bottle green gloves and scarves are allowed.  Knee blankets for the especially cold days!  We also allow hot water bottles, but they have to be filled at home.

Number Ones'

To be worn on school outings, Final Assembly and Prize Giving

Clean uniform
Blazer (Grades 4 – 7) (if specified for the occasion)
Long white socks (Summer), Long brown socks (Winter) 
Brown/Black leather, polished school shoes. 
White ribbons and/or white alice band if hair is long enough to be tied up. Brown/black hair clips 

Note: for some class outings the girls wear gym kit, hat, track shoes or similar.  The Teacher will specify this. 


We have two types of hats: - a floppy one and a peak - which most girls find useful for sports but which is quite acceptable in place of the floppy hat.  Hats are COMPULSORY at break time and during sports activities.  They are to be worn when arriving and leaving school, and if in school uniform outside of school grounds.  They are not to be worn indoors.  Please ensure your daughter's hat fits her and is permanently labelled.  These go missing regularly so having 2 hats might be a good idea.  Please choose a hat made of Hartell/Mandy and not Drill which fades.

PE Kit

Grade 1 & 2 Grades 3 – 7
White PE top with bottle green collar & sleeve trim
Bottle green shorts
Short white socks (No 'secret' socks permitted)
Clean tackies/trainers
White PE top with bottle green collar & sleeve trim
Bottle green shorts or skorts
Short white socks (No 'secret' socks permitted)
Clean tackies/trainers
School track suit – compulsory for team members
School Blazer – compulsory for 1st team members

School swimming costumes (new from Term 3 2023).  Swimming cap colour of your house.


First Team Sports Kit

This is handed out ONLY after a signed letter from the Sports Director is handed back with a parents’ signature.  These are to be returned to the Sport's Director at the end of the relevant term or they will be charged to your account.  All matches – home and away, girls are required to be in either their clean first team kit or PE kit.  Depending on the sport, tracksuits or blazers are compulsory.  The Sports Coach will inform the girls of this. 

Swimming Team

Girls must have the new (2023) school swimming costume and will be handed a school swimming cap to be returned at the end of third term.  They are to have 2 towels.  The school tracksuit should be worn to and from galas.

House T-shirts and House swimming caps

These will be issued for an event.  Please return clean to the House Captains/Staff afterwards.

School satchels and tog bags

Please ensure the use of a waterproof book bag to protect their books from leaking bottles and lunch boxes.  Your daughter’s name should be clearly marked on the outside and for the younger grades it is a good idea to replace buckles on satchels with Velcro, and attach something belonging to your daughter so that she will recognise her satchel straight away e.g. a little charm or soft toy on a key ring.

Name Badges

To be worn on the school dress tie.  These are ordered from the School Secretary and billed to your account.  Name badges for new Grade Ones will automatically be ordered early in the 1st term.  Other badges such as House Captain, Team, Clubs and Societies and Grade 7 badges are awarded accordingly and presented to the girls in assembly.

The girl's are not allowed the following 

NO fancy earrings, only small silver or gold studs or sleepers. NO other jewellery except for religious purposes. NO nail polish.  NO make-up.  NO hair colours, only natural! NO beads in hair extensions – hair must all fit comfortably with the school hat and within a swimming cap.

Valuable items & toys

We do not encourage the children to bring valuable items and toys into school unless your daughter is participating in her Class Assembly. 

Lost property

Every evening the school grounds are cleared of lost property and it is placed in locked bins in the  Administration Office, near the Bursar’s Office.  The Sick Bay Sister will try and return labelled items the following morning to the respective classrooms via the duty team girls.  Any unlabelled items are left out to be collected. Girls are encouraged to check here.  At  the end of term a table of unclaimed lost property is placed in the Anniversary Garden and any items not claimed by the end of the year are discarded or given to a children’s home.   

I T   I S   V E R Y   I M P O R T A N T   T O   P E R M A N E N T L Y   L A B E L   E V E R Y T H I N G

Final Assembly and Prize Giving

'Number Ones' for the girls are compulsory. Parents are expected to be dressed appropriately and not to embarrass their daughters by being late.  Because of the size of the Hall, generally two parents are allowed to attend and no young children or siblings.     

Birthday Celebrations

We have a tradition of making the girls feel special on their birthday by allowing them to wear flowers in their hair.  “Happy Birthday” is sung to them in assembly (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays).  Should their special day not fall on an assembly day, she is permitted to wear flowers on the assembly day prior to her birthday.  This also applies to those girls whose birthdays fall in the holidays, ie the last assembly of term.  Sometimes  birthday girls enjoy spoiling their entire class with a helping of cake but this is not a compulsory treat!